3 Mart 2013 Pazar



Battle of Canakkale is not only our history is one of the most important battles in world history recently. The Dardanelles force of warships, so the long-standing request to Istanbul longing for the great states of Europe.

In 1914, The start of World War II, Allied powers, was born I believe the opportunity to perform these requests. With this faith, in cooperation with Great Britain and France closer to the mouth of the Bosphorus Bozcaada dusk on November 3, 1914. Here they opened fire engineers were right, Ertugrul bastion of the British pound, the French forts in the Anatolian side of Kumkale and Orhaniye by howitzer.

The ball hit on a ton arsenal of gunpowder blew up, officers and values ​​fell in the battle, the British Naval Commander Admiral Carden had demonstrations in front of Çanakkale, the enemy submarines and sought to cross the Strait.

On November 24, 1914 was a French submarine waters of the Bosphorus. which the submarine began to rain fire on the enemy artillery. December 2 was a test of the British submarine. Barriers to overcome deeply into the Bosphorus. Yediyüzelli meters away from this by taking the armored Mesudiye torpedo sank the ship. Twenty-four of the Ten and values, we found Zırhlımızda fallen officers.

February 19, 1915 until noon on the enemy warships embarked on a long-range bombing. Strait huddled thoroughly. Towards evening the enemy redoubt warships responded. Ertugrul and Orhaniye redoubt thrown quite wobble face of enemy fire.

The Entente states that the ship could not proceed as they wish, the objectives could not be reached. Regarded as the cause of the failure Southwind storm. New attacks, the weather has improved. Again, no enemy ships, commanding Admiral Carden was dismissed result. Instead of Robeck was appointed on March 17, 1915. The new commander attack in the Straits on March 18, 1915, will be in Istanbul to London announced soon.

In the meantime, Canakkale Fortress Commander Colonel Jawad Çobanlı 17/18 line of the night of March gave orders to lay mines in the Bosphorus. Major orders that need to Nusret Nazmi Bey that night twenty-six mines, laid the Bosphorus, on the first line. As the number of mines in the Straits on a line had exceeded 400.

March 18, 1915: British and French ships of war, the greatest naval power of that period, three in the morning the fleet entered the Dardanelles Strait. This is the first group consisted of navy fleet, the British battleship Queen Elizabeth and inflexible, Lord Nelson and Agamemnon's ships of war.

In the second group under the command of Captain British Kalyon Ocean, Irresistible, such as Wengeance Majestic battleships had taken place. Third fleet Prince, Bouvet, Suffren consisted of the French war ships.

The British and French expected to easily pass the Bosphorus Turkish defense easily silenced. March 18, 1915 this hope and confidence began a severe fire on the enemy warships. Rumeli was a severe fire in the center of Mecidiye batteries. Hamidiye engineers loaded the enemy ships in the Straits. I tried to pull the Dardanos batteries fire on them. Soon, all vessels, Dardanos'a attacked. Tabyamız Dardanos oppose attacks. In the meantime, the fire had started Mesudiye redoubt. Opened fire on the Hamidiye Mesudiye rushed to his aid. Meanwhile, coastal batteries began to rain fire on the enemy. From suffocation while trying to escape from the enemy artillery firing experience. Açtırılmıyordu look at enemy ships. Mutual terrible bombing that took an hour or so. This is a mutual bombardment of foreign author says:

«Human landscape in front of your eyes can be revived. Castles, lost in clouds of dust from the debris was a high flame. Ships, boats and countless gushing circles move slowly in the water column, sometimes the smoke and spray thoroughly as were invisible. The mortar fire from the heights of the fire is seen, heavy ball rolling, such as earthquakes. »

During the bombing of the Turkish redoubt and battery was damaged large. French Admiral Robeck pulling back the ship suggested that the British war ships. Right at that time was a terrific explosion. Mine warfare vessels were shaken by Bouvet and Suffren, lost its ability to maneuver. Duties of the mines laid by minelayer Nusret had done the night before. Bouvet like a giant lying on the clear water of the Bosphorus, and snipers opened fire on batteries Hamidiye Suffren'e date. Gallipoli Geçilmez writer Alan Moorehead explained the incident.

"Time 13:45" a terrific explosion shook the little back Suffren'in Bouvet. A thick smoke rose into the sky deck. Exponentially since the lay, he rolled over and disappeared. According to the testimony of one of the incident "a plate, how the loss of water if it's just slipped away.»

Turkish forts fired at stopping the enemy ships trying to cross the Straits. In the meantime, to clear mines in the Straits enemy mine put through their browser. Mine opened fire on the redoubt. The enemy fled in panic opened fire as the rain began to fall. In the meantime, inflexible enemy warship, İrressitible saw major damage. Was Batanlar. Later, Queen Elisabeth and Agamemnon were injured. Çanakkale Strait, transcend the Entente States. Large losses by: geçilemeyeceğini learned the Dardanelles.

Allied powers, with the Dardanelles warships planned to exceed this time to eject. Canakkale land wars in the beginning. Where the enemy can do to fight off the land are discussed. Mustafa Kemal Kabatepe and Seddülbahir'den, the German commander, Von Sanders can be removed from the Bolayır and the Anatolian coast. The German commander, Von Sanders' opinion prevailed, and the soldiers placed in the region.

Thinking from the point of Mustafa Kemal enemy forces attacked on the morning of April 25, 1918. 19. Division Commander Mustafa Kemal Kocaçimen'de Conkbayır'da, fought. The soldiers finished ammunition:

- Bayonet plug-ordered. Then;
- "I was ordered to attack you. 'm Ordering you to die. We will pass the time until his death in our place, other forces and commanders can also »he said. Date of most large trench warfare had begun. Distance between the trenches was about eight or ten feet. Leave any soldiers from the Turkish trenches. Place of honor was immediately filled. Per each step drops a bullet; land fairly boiling with smoke. Conkbayır'a in the waves moving towards the enemy. In the meantime, Mustafa Kemal was appointed Commander of Anafartalar Group. Anzac War, Mustafa Kemal, his chest was hit by the enemy's shrapnel. However, one thing has not crashed in the pocket hours.

The Turkish army has won great success in a short time, anywhere. The enemy was struck, was defeated. The most important land battle of Gallipoli fronts; Kumkale, cradles, Bolayir, Helles, Anbumu, Gaba Tepe, and Anafartalar'dır Conkbayiri. 19-20 December, Suvla and Anzac front, 8-9 January Helles was evacuated by the enemy. Thus, in the spring of 1915 combined with bright hopes to set foot on land in the winter of 1916 was defeated by the enemy army and went away.

Over 250 thousand soldiers fell in the battle of Çanakkale battles. The enemy losses above this figure.

Çanakkale wars unforgettable hero, Anafartalar Group Commander will start ahead of the success of Mustafa Kemal became a source of national liberation.

Defend our independence, the wars to protect our homeland soil is sacred. Canakkale, the National Liberation War are examples of holy war epic

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